Corporate Wellness Consulting

April 21, 2022

Improve Employee Stress & Burn-out with Effective Workshops

Are corporate wellness workshops taking place in your company? Wellness psychotherapist, Victoria Rivera is a corporate wellness consultant and offers consulting to promote healthy living, increased happiness in the workplace, and overall satisfaction.

She works with all kinds of corporate wellness topics such as: anger management, happiness and fun at work, stress reduction, conflict resolution and more. She has helped people, individuals, couples, and organizations including small businesses and large corporations change for the better. There are many corporate wellness benefits available through consultancy with Victoria Rivera. She helps corporate organizations reach their goals of improving employee health and happiness by offering hands-on workshops and training including stress management, anger management, happiness corporate wellness workshops and more.

Corporate Wellness Consulting

Victoria helps employees find new ways to deal with problems so they can focus on their work and enjoy their lives outside of work as well. When corporate wellness is done effectively, it can lead to many benefits including a reduction in employee stress and burn-out. When it comes to employee stress, burn-out, and other mental health concerns, there can be a lot of stigma attached to seeking help. Fortunately, corporate wellness consultants can play a big role in helping employees feel more comfortable seeking assistance. The workshops and trainings implemented by Victoria helps employees learn more about how to manage their stress levels and maintain their mental wellbeing both at work and outside of work.

In addition to reducing employee stress, corporate wellness programs can also have other benefits such as improving communication and teamwork within departments, reducing absenteeism, and increasing productivity. If you’re looking for ways to improve your corporate wellness program, consider speaking with corporate wellness consultant, Victoria Rivera. She will create a plan that is aligned with your company’s values and tailored specifically to the needs of your employees.

Wellness Workshops
Some of the workshops offered:
-Stress Management
-Anger Management
-Happiness Corporate Wellness Workshops
-Conflict Resolution
-Time Management
-Healthy Eating
-Exercise tips for the corporate world

When it comes to corporate wellness, one of the most important things is to make sure that the program is tailored specifically to the needs of your employees. Victoria has over 15 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and organizations to improve their wellbeing. Her corporate wellness consulting services are results-oriented and focuses on helping employees create lasting change in their lives.

Corporate wellness consulting services are designed to help businesses reduce employee stress and improve workplace productivity. Corporate wellness consultant, Victoria Rivera, offers workshops and training sessions that cover topics such as stress management, anger management, happiness corporate wellness workshops, and conflict resolution. By implementing these programs into the workplace, businesses can see a reduction in employee stress and burn-out, absenteeism, and an overall increase in productivity. If you’re looking for ways to improve your corporate wellness program, consider speaking with corporate wellness consultant, Victoria Rivera.

There are many corporate wellness benefits available through consultancy with Victoria Rivera, including:

– improved employee health and happiness
– reduction in employee stress and burn-out
– improved communication and teamwork within departments
– reduced absenteeism
– increased productivity

Victoria has over 15 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and organizations to improve their wellbeing. Her corporate wellness consulting services are affordable, and she offers a variety of workshops that can be tailored to your company’s needs. Contact Victoria today to If you’re looking for ways to improve your corporate wellness.


  To learn more about corporate wellness benefits or to book a consultation, please contact Victoria Rivera .
Phone: 917-495-3858
Location: 112 West 34th Street New York, NY 10120


By Admin August 21, 2024
As JUNE IS EMPLOYEE WELLNESS MONTH! Here an insightful article highlighting the issue of "carewashing" in corporate wellness programs. “Too many organizations with unsustainable “work hard, play hard” cultures believe that merely offering mindfulness training or yoga classes qualifies them as having a positive and safe culture. In reality, they are just checking the well-being box without addressing the underlying issues.” Companies that implement genuine wellness and mental health care initiatives lead to better outcomes for employees and the organization as a whole. If you're interested in transforming your workplace wellness approach, let's connect and discuss how we can make a meaningful difference together. #employeewellness #workplacewellness #corporatewellness
By Admin August 21, 2024
I’ve read several articles on “Quiet Vacationing,” and this one does the best job of explaining the underlying issue: “Anxiety is at the root of this practice.” -More than 30% of workers said they were “too anxious” to ask for time off. -About 30% of workers reported concerns about being laid off. -More than a third were worried about the time off itself: about 30% didn’t want to use their PTO, and about a quarter didn’t have any PTO to take. In my personal experience, many employees say they don’t take time off because they will have to make up the work or work a lot before leaving. They feel guilty about leaving work, burdening their colleagues, or facing a backlog of tasks upon their return. It's understandable that they try to get ahead of this and take a vacation while staying connected to work to avoid feeling guilty and overwhelmed. We help companies understand these trends and work to implement genuine wellness and mental health care initiatives that lead to better outcomes for employees and the organization as a whole. Our approach ensures that wellness programs are integrated into the company culture, providing real support and fostering a truly positive and safe work environment. If you're interested in transforming your workplace wellness approach, let's connect and discuss how we can make a meaningful difference together. #employeewellness #quietvacationing #summerwork #workplacewellness
By Admin August 21, 2024
We are in the midst of a nationwide heatwave, and although I feel grateful to have an office with AC, the temperature is often too cold. This is not the first time, when I worked at a mental health clinic, the summers felt like winter with the office temperature often reading 65 degrees (yes, we had to use a thermometer to advocate for a more comfortable temperature!). I often had to wear sweaters and use a blanket to feel comfortable while working. Studies have shown that women tend to feel colder at work called compared to men, which can lead to discomfort and decreased productivity. On the other hand, men often prefer cooler temperatures and might find when it’s warmer it’s more challenging to focus and impacts productivity. This difference is often due to variations in metabolic rates and body composition. Understanding these differences is crucial for creating a comfortable and productive work environment for everyone. Employers should consider setting office temperatures that accommodate both genders, or providing flexible solutions such as personal fans or space heaters. As we continue to experience extreme weather, it's important to be mindful of how indoor temperatures affect our well-being and productivity. By acknowledging and addressing these differences, we can create a more inclusive and comfortable workplace for all! hashtag #employeewellness #workplacewellness
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